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Mind Focused Hypnotherapy Diploma

This course is for the complete novice or absolute beginner as well as practitioners looking to advance their existing skills, looking to add mind focused hypnosis to what they offer patients and any individual seeking a rewarding and fascinating career.

Welcome to the beginning of something wonderful...


• Becoming fluent, skilled and confident in hypnosis for enhancing the welfare of others.

Being personally trained and guided by a highly respected and experienced hypnotherapist.

Earning your living by helping others to reach their goals to lead happier lives.

What you will discover...

• Effective inductions as well as adapting a hypnotic mindset.

• How to use hypnosis and other evidence based interventions.

• Ways to advance and enhance your own personal development.

and much more..

Train to become a qualified hypnotherapist with Maxine, who has over eight years experience.

Maxine qualified as a hypnotherapist in 2015 and certified with General Hypnotherapy Standards Council & General Hypnotherapy Register.


Maxine has been recognised for her knowledge in multiple sectors of health and wellbeing during her time at Tranquil Studios. Such roles include massage, meditation and Reiki, all of which focus on healing the body, mind and soul.

Within the years of Maxine providing hypnotherapy for clients, she has coached people to overcome multiple barriers such as severe anxiety, addictions, phobias and much more.

Upon completion of your course, you too can help change the lives of others. Maxine is very passionate about making positive changes within our lives and believes everyone has the ability to do so.

Thank you for your interest in training with Tranquil Studios Academy for Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma in Retford with Maxine Chambers.

This prospectus will provide you with information on our hypnotherapy practitioner diploma training programme. Our Mind Focused Hypnotherapy Module is unique to us, it has lots more than just a standard hypnotherapy course you will discover many techniques that work, that are quick and effective.  

On This Hypnotherapy Diploma Course You Will Discover…

Here is a selection of recommended reading material:

Further reading relevant to the course will be given within our modules.

Our Diploma in hypnotherapy has been designed to meet the accreditation criteria for the GHSC (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council) requirements for practitioner level hypnotherapy training for professional practice. This Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma is also a qualification that is verified by the National Council for Hypnotherapists (NCH).

On successful completion of the course you will receive a Diploma In Professional Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis (Practitioner Level) and be able to use the letters Dip MFD HD after your name. The award is a Vocational Qualification at Level 4 (i.e. NVQ Level 4 equivalent).

As a graduate of this diploma course and provided you fulfil the required hours you’ll be able to be a member of the GHR (General Hypnotherapy Register) to show that you are a fully qualified hypnosis professional on every level, as a full practitioner status this will allow you to gain insurance and practice as a hypnotherapist and be recognised as one of the most approved and officially recognised anywhere!


 Become an Hypnotherapist

with an experienced therapist


 Welcome to the ultimate

Hypnotherapy Diploma Training Course


 Course Accreditation

and Qualifications

 Course Syllabus

At the core of your hypnotherapy understanding,

you will learn:

Within Our Training Days we cover the following

Become a Hypnotherapist

Are you interested in studying and developing your skills, and practising as a Mind Focused Hypnotherapist?

The above contents are subject to change throughout the course.


Course Information

You need time to develop your skills, experience and depth of knowledge before you practise professionally. This course gives you the time needed to develop the skill set necessary to thrive in this field

The course is spread over 20 days on Sundays, making it more suitable for people who are currently working and want to study part time.

Each training day starts at 10am promptly, finishing between 4 - 5pm with half an hour for lunch and 15 minutes mid-morning/mid-afternoon breaks.

Class sizes are kept relatively small and intimate to maximise the learning experience for all - we only accept a limited number of delegates upon each diploma course. The groups are big enough for you to get lots of experience working with a variety of people, and small enough to ensure your tutor work closely with you.

For the completion of the course, there will be set learning outcomes for the students to achieve. The course will meet such learning outcomes with a set learning criteria. The learning outcomes are:

• Explore and establish the client’s needs for complementary and natural healthcare

• Develop and agree plans for complementary and natural healthcare with clients

• Applying hypnotherapy techniques to support clients in achieving the desired outcomes

Each training day will include theoretical lectures, presentations, discussions, and practical demonstrations, with group activities and practice of techniques learned. With plenty of time for Q&A, so that you can get the most out of each day, and really master these skills.

The course is over 160 hours of classroom tuition. Though this can be bumped up to approximately 180 hours due to diploma students being permitted to join a one day seminar/workshop at cost price should you wish.

Throughout the course there is a range of theory-based assignments, personal research, further reading, course assignments, case studies and other course work which totals approximately 350 hours of study time needing to be invested by you.  

To obtain the diploma, we assess you on both homework what you do in class, your tutor is primarily responsible for marking your work and monitoring your progress to ensure you meet the necessary standards required, some of your written work will be submitted to our external assessor who has not been involved in your training.  We will guide, support and encourage you through the entire process, to ensure you are fully competent before we issue your certificate.

Our application process consists an initial application form and information about you form.  We like to know who is joining our courses and learn a little about you, and as well as ensuring this is the right course for you, we also like to make sure that you are right for the course. By enrolling individuals who are a ‘good fit’, we work towards creating a positive learning environment for all students (including you). Once your application is submitted we aim to get a response back to you within 5 working days to confirm if your place has been accepted. If you've not received a response after 5 working days please check your spam folder. If we feel you not suitable an explanation will be given in our response.

If you have any questions or queries regarding any element of our training courses, then please do get in touch with us, by email academy@tranquilstudios.co.uk by phone 01777 948386


Application Process


Cost and Payment Options

Qualification will not be awarded until all outstanding payments are made.

Please note that course fees are non-refundable. If you decide to cease your studies at any stage of the course before completion, the full course fee (if outstanding) will remain due. However, consideration will be given for exceptional circumstances.


Full fee,

payable in advance

(includes a non-returnable

£750.00 deposit)




(non-returnable) £750.00

10 monthly payments of £250




(non-returnable) £750.00. Balance: £2250 due three weeks prior to start date.



Upcoming Courses

All courses are held at Tranquil Studios Wellbeing Centre and Training Academy, 74 Bridgegate, Retford,

Class sizes are kept relatively small and intimate to maximise the learning experience for all - we only accept a limited number of delegates upon each diploma course. The groups are big enough for you to get lots of experience working with a variety of people, and small enough to ensure your tutor works closely with you.

Our next diploma course:-

2024 enrolment now closed

2025 Enrolment Now Closed

26th January (day one)

9th February (day two)

23rd February (day three)

9th March (in-house practice day)

23rd March (day four)

6th April (in-house practice day)

20th April (day five)

4th May (in-house practice day)

15th June (day six)

29th June (in-house practice day)

13th July (day seven)

27th July (in-house training day)

10th August (day eight)

24th August (in-house practice day)

7th September (day nine)

21st September (in-house practice day)

5th October (day ten)

19th October (in-house practice day)

2nd November (assessments)

In-house training days are an opportunity to practice with students or members of the public if required, ask questions and go over any subjects that was not covered within a training day. (these days are optional to attend, you must notify in advance if you are not attending an in-house training day, (the hours missed will be added to your study log) however, it is advised to attend these in-house training days to build up your confidence.

    Apply Here

Complete: Application Form

   Complete: About You Form

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(Tranquil Studios Wellbeing Centre) All Rights Reserved